Tokyo Thursday - Aliens & Magic Eye
I'm not really sure why they call these game shows in Japan. Their doesn't seem to be any way to actually win... or any rules even.
Here we have three pranks played on normal everyday folk. An alien breaking through steps, a water squirting microphone, and something (perhaps yet another alien) breaking through one of those magic eye things.
Is it me, or is the alien in the beginning of the clip the same one as from Kid's Quest, nice to see he's still getting work.
Here we have three pranks played on normal everyday folk. An alien breaking through steps, a water squirting microphone, and something (perhaps yet another alien) breaking through one of those magic eye things.
Is it me, or is the alien in the beginning of the clip the same one as from Kid's Quest, nice to see he's still getting work.
Labels: game shows, japan, magic eye, tokyo thursday
No Longer MY Space

Actually, Rupert Murdoch is an avid reader of cheesegod.com. I hear he reloads the page every 5 seconds hoping for something new and delicious. I hear he has a tattoo of Mr. Fish on his right ankle. So, obviously he has already read the negative things I had to say about myspace and is rushing to improve it as you read this.
Hmmmm... I wonder if Facebook is any good.
Labels: facebook, myspace, rupert murdoch
Things Likely To Happen At Tonights State Of The Union Address
Tonight will be George W. Bush's 7th and final (maybe) State of the Union Address. The pundits of CNN, Headline News, Fox News, MSNBC, ABC News, BBC World News, and Logo are all a buzz guessing what he might say.
Will he talk about the Iraq war? Probably! How about that cash reward coming in May for doing nothing? Sure! Perhaps he might mention the high cost of gas? He might! And, will he say anything about 9/11? Only if Giullani hasn't used up all the references already!
But beyond that here are some more things we might be able to look forward to in tonights speech:

In an immediate effort to prevent a recession, Bush makes it rain cash!

John McCain jumps the gun and delivers the address instead!

Bush skips the address and instead decides to watch American Gladiators instead (his favorite is Wolf!) on his new Cars TV. Hey, Bush! You have to turn the TV around to watch it! You silly old man!
Will he talk about the Iraq war? Probably! How about that cash reward coming in May for doing nothing? Sure! Perhaps he might mention the high cost of gas? He might! And, will he say anything about 9/11? Only if Giullani hasn't used up all the references already!
But beyond that here are some more things we might be able to look forward to in tonights speech:

In an immediate effort to prevent a recession, Bush makes it rain cash!

John McCain jumps the gun and delivers the address instead!

Bush skips the address and instead decides to watch American Gladiators instead (his favorite is Wolf!) on his new Cars TV. Hey, Bush! You have to turn the TV around to watch it! You silly old man!
Labels: american gladiators, george bush, john mccain, rudy giullani
Marmaduke Mondays - 1/28/08
It's Monday! That must mean it's time for work Marmaduke! Yes, today's the day we look back at the past week of Marmaduke and the controversial things he's been doing.
Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Labels: marmaduke
Tokyo Thursdays: Shhhhhh!
In this week's addition of Tokyo Thursday, we take a look at a Japanese game show where a group of six guys get weird pranks played on them. The twist? The pranks all happen in a library so they must keep quiet!
We need a channel that reruns these shows in America. I'd watch that thing all day. Oh yeah, Old Man Bites Tenderly!
We need a channel that reruns these shows in America. I'd watch that thing all day. Oh yeah, Old Man Bites Tenderly!
Labels: game shows, japan
So Long MySpace
Dear MySpace,
It seemed like just a few weeks ago that I joined up with you. I knew about you for sometime, but we just never seemed that compatible. You with your reputation of being associated with crappy bands, pathetic teenagers, child predators, and social retards. And me with my desire to not be associated with crappy bands, pathetic teenagers, child predators, and social retards. We just seemed like total opposites . I just couldn't see the thrill in showing off to complete strangers my personal photos, likes in bad music, or how many "friends" I have (most of which or also complete strangers).
But I relented. It seemed that if so many people wanted to join up with you, well, their must be something about you. And even though my desire to never do anything that's popular and guarantee to never be popular myself... or even that well liked, I gave up and joined with you.
Let's face it. We just were not made for each other. Considering I don't even care much about my own interests, it's kind of hard for me to get excited about displaying them for the world to see. And as little as I care about my own interests, I care about even less about everyone else's. Plus I told you I don't like spam, so why do you insist on serving it up to me everyday. And, I'd like to say looks do not matter, but everything about you is ugly. Your interface, your member's profile pages, your members... Speaking of which, please tell your ho-bots to stop bothering me, I do not want to be their friends. I'm afraid I might catch the clap by just looking at their profile photos.
So I hear January 30th is International Delete Your MySpace Account Day. That seems like as a good as reason as any to end our relationship, although the fact you totally suck are most horrible are probably better reasons.
-With Love and Devotion,

But I relented. It seemed that if so many people wanted to join up with you, well, their must be something about you. And even though my desire to never do anything that's popular and guarantee to never be popular myself... or even that well liked, I gave up and joined with you.
Let's face it. We just were not made for each other. Considering I don't even care much about my own interests, it's kind of hard for me to get excited about displaying them for the world to see. And as little as I care about my own interests, I care about even less about everyone else's. Plus I told you I don't like spam, so why do you insist on serving it up to me everyday. And, I'd like to say looks do not matter, but everything about you is ugly. Your interface, your member's profile pages, your members... Speaking of which, please tell your ho-bots to stop bothering me, I do not want to be their friends. I'm afraid I might catch the clap by just looking at their profile photos.
So I hear January 30th is International Delete Your MySpace Account Day. That seems like as a good as reason as any to end our relationship, although the fact you totally suck are most horrible are probably better reasons.
-With Love and Devotion,
Labels: myspace
Marmaduke Mondays!
It's Monday! That must mean it's time for headlines Marmaduke! Yes, today's the day we look back at the past week of Marmaduke and the controversial things he's been doing.
Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

I'm looking over Cloverfield

The hype started back in July when the first trailer for the movie showed up on Transformers. The trailer featured a severed Statue Liberty Head flying across the streets on New York City disrupting a going away party. It featured no title, just the date 1-18-08. The film was codenamed Cloverfield and for months everyone on the internet buzzed about what this movie could possibly be. Then, they named the movie Cloverfield... so that killed a little bit of excitement right there. Then posters, commercials, and anything else that you can use for advertising all seemed to feature that headless Statue of Liberty. I began to wonder if that was the only thing the movie had going for it, that they had nothing else cool to show from the movie and therefor just kept showing that one scene. Finally, when the buzz on the internet started wondering if the movie would even ever show the monster responsible for decapitating national landmarks, I came to the conclusion that this film was just a cross between Godzilla and Blair Witch. And that wouldn't excite anyone. And, lets face it, many people have felt let down my Lost over the last season or two, so it seems Abrams would have experience in this.
But perhaps it was because I had killed all my positive expectations before I even started watching the movie is why I enjoyed it. Although Blair Witch meets Godzilla is still an accurate description, it did not suck like those two aforementioned movies.
Cloverfield, disguised as a classified government tape found in the site formally known as Central Park, is indeed a film about a couple of youngins getting their party disrupted by a mysterious monster while documenting the entire thing with a camcorder (By the way, this camcorder has to have the best surround sound I've ever heard, you'd think having only a singular microphone would give you nothing more than mono sound.). The camcorder gimmick gives us a more personable feel to the characters and the situation in the film, trying to make us feel like we could be right there with them and, overall, a more realistic feel to it.
The film keeps up a good amount of suspense as the characters try to rescue the main star's love interest from her midtown apartment. Although one could argue, as I am right now I guess, that the main star in the film is the monster and the destruction he (she?) causes . The characters presented in the movie aren't bad, but there's not exactly anything new or overly interesting about them. The most likable character, and possibly not coincidentally, is the one you see least. Hud, the guy operating the camcorder, is kind of like Moose from the Archie comics. Although, I have not figured out why he is named after the department of Housing and Urban Development.
I will not to go into too much details, as the the makers of the film seemed to want to keep everyone in the dark about it up until now. Plus much of the movie's suspense and action kind of rely on the "what's going to happen next" feel. But, yes you do see the monster.
So, anyway, yes, I recommend checking this movie out. It's a lot better than 27 dresses at least.
Labels: archie, cloverfield, mets, movies, reviews
Steroids are a Rapper's Delight

I was a fan of Timbaland throughout his career, and became an even bigger fan when I realized he wasn't Justin Timbaland, the bizarro version of Justin Timerlake. But now that I know that when he performed "The Way I Are," the way he are was on steroids, well, my heart has dropped into my stomach. Without the steroids Timbaland could of been a great song writer, producer, and performer, but with the steroids he's still a great song writer, producer, and performer, but those muscles of his are fake. I'm not sure I can live with that. From now on every time I hear "Up Jumps Da Boogie" I won't be thinking about how that Boogie be jumpin at all, but rather I'll be thinking "Up Shoots Da Rapper"
50 Cent is another sad story. What school boy hasn't dreamed about being in Da' Club with him. But no more. Those dreams are smashed. I'd expect more from a ex drug dealer. Curtis James Jackson III, I am very disappointed in you, I want you to sit in the corner of your multi-billion dollar mansion and think about what you've done.
I'm not that surprised about Wyclef Jean though. I knew something was up when I saw him on American Gladiators last night:

The only question now is, will we be able to bring back the integrity and respecxt back to the fine art of rap music.
Labels: 50 cent, justin timberlake, music, rap, steroids, timbaland, wyclef jean
Bush Wins 2008 Election
Using the best psychics we could find and afford in the yellow pages we here at cheesegod.com have been able to download stories that will happen in 2008. Here is one such story:

Some cried. Some rejoiced. Some were too shocked to say how they were. Most vomited and then stuck their head in the oven. But all felt some kind of feeling or took some kind of action when the news was learned yesterday that George W. Bush had be reelected president.
"Why? Why? Why the hell does God hate us so much," one teary eyed 5 year girl was able to say between crying spats.
Today, the day after the 2008 presidential elections have left everyone shocked including the president himself.
"I just want to say how shocked and happy I am, but my vocabulary and speaking skills are good enough for me to do so," Bush told us through his World of Warcraft avatar during a recent wizard raid through the secret woods of Magiclot.
But the shock didn't end there. Dick Cheney suffered 82 heart attacks, and the predicted winning ticket of Obama & Marmaduke were equally dismayed.
"I thought America wanted change," Obama shouted from the edge of a tall building, "I knew I shouldn't of bought into this fad of cartoon dogs for running mates."
So how could such a thing happen? Turns out it was those pesky Diebold voting machines are to blame.
"It seems we forgot to unrig them after the 2004 election," Diebold spokesman Joe Orsulak told us just moments before being lynched by an angry mob, "Our bad."
So it looks like it'll be business as usual for the next four years. Meanwhile the official Republican ticket is already talking 2012.
"In four years we are confident, that America will be ready for Huckabee & Odie."

Some cried. Some rejoiced. Some were too shocked to say how they were. Most vomited and then stuck their head in the oven. But all felt some kind of feeling or took some kind of action when the news was learned yesterday that George W. Bush had be reelected president.
"Why? Why? Why the hell does God hate us so much," one teary eyed 5 year girl was able to say between crying spats.
Today, the day after the 2008 presidential elections have left everyone shocked including the president himself.
"I just want to say how shocked and happy I am, but my vocabulary and speaking skills are good enough for me to do so," Bush told us through his World of Warcraft avatar during a recent wizard raid through the secret woods of Magiclot.
But the shock didn't end there. Dick Cheney suffered 82 heart attacks, and the predicted winning ticket of Obama & Marmaduke were equally dismayed.
"I thought America wanted change," Obama shouted from the edge of a tall building, "I knew I shouldn't of bought into this fad of cartoon dogs for running mates."
So how could such a thing happen? Turns out it was those pesky Diebold voting machines are to blame.
"It seems we forgot to unrig them after the 2004 election," Diebold spokesman Joe Orsulak told us just moments before being lynched by an angry mob, "Our bad."
So it looks like it'll be business as usual for the next four years. Meanwhile the official Republican ticket is already talking 2012.
"In four years we are confident, that America will be ready for Huckabee & Odie."
Labels: 2008 election, barack obama, george bush, joe orsulak, marmaduke, mike huckabee