John Chooses John, Not John

A couple of months ago some hoped that John would choose John as his running mate.
But today John named John as his running mate for the 2004 election.
"Together, I and John will take America Back," John told reporters including Jon of the daily show and me, Jon of cheesegod.com.
John had discussed with John about being his running mate, but unfortunately John did
not support John. So instead, after placing a phone call to John last night, John
chose John as his running mate,"
But the White house is already firing back.
"John is John's second choice. He wanted John. But John turned John down. Now John
is stuck with John," a non-John spokesperson told me, Jon.
When John was asked how he was going to get to his first appearance with John since
naming the John & John ticket, John said, "Well, It's like John sang, 'I'm Leaving On
A Jet Plane'"
"Now, I would love to talk about John more," John told us, "But I need to use the
John and John of They Might Be Giants had no comment.
Labels: 2004 election, john edwards, john kerry, john mccain, they might be giants