Untitled - 4/30/08
It's Monday! That must mean it's time for Wesley Snipes to pay his taxes Marmaduke! Yes, today's the day we look back at the past week of Marmaduke and the controversial things he's been doing.
Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Labels: marmaduke
Spam of the week
Tokyo Tetris - The Latest Tetris
The ATM comedian is back, except this time he is playing Tetris. Let's watch, shall we?
Labels: japan, video games
Why are you eating that?
This is the line for McDonald's. McFreakinDonalds. Why would anyway wait on line for a hamburger that's not even good. Not even mediocore. You want the McDonald's expeirance? Take a crap in a box and eat that. It's probably better for you too.
Showtime, Chaos and Torches
Yesterday Paramount Pictures announced it would stop providing movies for the Showtime network so it could start it's own premium movie channel. Showtime said it wasn't worried about it's future.
"We have plenty of original programing left to fill the void," Showtime program director Joe Orsulak told us while hanging from a noose, "We got Dexter, that Tudors show.... um Weeds, and This American Life I guess.... so that's about 3 hours of programing there. We just need to pad out the other 165 hours each week."
Paramount is convinced they have made the right decision. After all this is the network that is known for such great decisions like switching to HD-DVD, creating the UPN network, the movie Hot Rod, the Iraq war... well, I'm not sure how much they had to do with that last one.
"We've distanced ourselves from Tom Cruise. So you can't call us crazy," Sumner Redstone, who owns both Paramount and Showtime told us as he got dressed in a giant hot dog suit.
The new network is expected to launch in 2009 with such wonderful movies as Transformers and um... that's it I guess.
Dr Edward Lorenz, founder of the Chaos Theory, died last week. He was killed when his head exploded with 32 miniature Patrick Duffys dressed in leotards who proceeded to do the macarena.
The local 640 union of Frankenstein monsters were expected to boycott the Olympic torch, but were scared away when they saw it coming.
"We have plenty of original programing left to fill the void," Showtime program director Joe Orsulak told us while hanging from a noose, "We got Dexter, that Tudors show.... um Weeds, and This American Life I guess.... so that's about 3 hours of programing there. We just need to pad out the other 165 hours each week."
Paramount is convinced they have made the right decision. After all this is the network that is known for such great decisions like switching to HD-DVD, creating the UPN network, the movie Hot Rod, the Iraq war... well, I'm not sure how much they had to do with that last one.
"We've distanced ourselves from Tom Cruise. So you can't call us crazy," Sumner Redstone, who owns both Paramount and Showtime told us as he got dressed in a giant hot dog suit.
The new network is expected to launch in 2009 with such wonderful movies as Transformers and um... that's it I guess.
Dr Edward Lorenz, founder of the Chaos Theory, died last week. He was killed when his head exploded with 32 miniature Patrick Duffys dressed in leotards who proceeded to do the macarena.
The local 640 union of Frankenstein monsters were expected to boycott the Olympic torch, but were scared away when they saw it coming.
Labels: joe orsulak, olympics, paramount, sumner redstone
Marmaduke Mondays - 4/21/08
It's Monday! That must mean it's time for people Pennsylvania to put an end to this Democratic Primary once and for all Marmaduke! Yes, today's the day we look back at the past week of Marmaduke and the controversial things he's been doing.
Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Labels: marmaduke, video games
George W. Bush Measures His Success
Tokyo Thursday - Swartzenegger Burts From A Woman's Head
I know you're double checking your watch (assuming you have one of those fancy ones that tell you the day of the week). Yes, today is Wednesday, but I'm not sure if I'll get the chance to update tom morrow. If you don't like it, just close your eyes and not open until about 24 hours from now.
Anyway, here's a commercial the Governor of California did in Japan for a sports drink.
Anyway, here's a commercial the Governor of California did in Japan for a sports drink.
Labels: japan
The Joker Does Not Like Pie.
This is the last of these, I swear. This is the last one I have anyway.

If you're curious what Batman and Superman think of Hostess Fruit pies, click here and here.

If you're curious what Batman and Superman think of Hostess Fruit pies, click here and here.
Jay Leno Chicken
Superb Quality
Marmaduke Mondays - 4/14/08
It's Monday! That must mean it's time for Americans to continue brain tissue loss resulting from watching American Idol Marmaduke! Yes, today's the day we look back at the past week of Marmaduke and the controversial things he's been doing.
Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Labels: marmaduke
Tokyo Thursday - Tires
This week we take a look at an advertisement for tires. The commercial is completely in Japanese, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. All you really need to know is a son is asking his dad to use the car, and promising to be responsible.
Batman Likes Pie Too...
Clark Kent Likes Pies
That Superman is such a genius, I never would of thought of a better way to get out of this sticky situation:

Marmaduke Mondays - 4/7/08
It's Monday! That must mean it's time for mass suicide after "My Dad is Better Than Your Dad" Marmaduke! Yes, today's the day we look back at the past week of Marmaduke and the controversial things he's been doing.
Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Long time readers of cheesegod.com know that we first to express concern over the content of Marmaduke comics. As you can see here Marmaduke has been a little out there at times. This past week seems to be no exception. Check out these examples I clipped out this past week:

Labels: marmaduke
Tokyo Thursday - Laugh at a Fat Cat
Watch as an obese feline is taunted and laughed at on Japanese television:
This cat weighs in at 26.5 pounds. Poor cat can't even scratch himself. I'm on my way to overfeed my hamster now so I can get on TV too.
This cat weighs in at 26.5 pounds. Poor cat can't even scratch himself. I'm on my way to overfeed my hamster now so I can get on TV too.
Think Geek Breaks My Heart
Every year Think Geek puts up a slew of fake products as a joke for April Fools. Items have included such silly items as a wireless power strip and a Beta-Max to HD-DVD converter. When I see such products I usually have a good laugh (or a good smirk at least, can you have a 'good' smirk? I'll have to ask Dick Cheney next time I see him.), but sometimes Think Geek introduces a product so great, my head may know it's fake, but my heart doesn't want it to be.
Last year was the 8-bit tie, a piece of neck wear designed to look good enough for Mario. Fortunately I wasn't the only one who marveled at the prospect of such a nice piece of clothing, as Think Geek after being bombarded with email actually made it into a real item. Unfortunately, the real item was made rather shoddy and mine fell apart. I need to acquire some mad sewing skills or actually take it to a trailor where I'm sure they'll laugh me out of existence.
This year, though, Think Geek outdid themselves introducing the latest video game oddity from Japan, Super Pii Pii Brothers for the Nintendo Wii. You see, in this game... well let's just let the YouTube do the talking:
Yes, this just might be the most awesome game of all time, besides Superman 64 of course. But unless Think Geek gets into video game programing it will never be. Oh, the sadness of it all.
Last year was the 8-bit tie, a piece of neck wear designed to look good enough for Mario. Fortunately I wasn't the only one who marveled at the prospect of such a nice piece of clothing, as Think Geek after being bombarded with email actually made it into a real item. Unfortunately, the real item was made rather shoddy and mine fell apart. I need to acquire some mad sewing skills or actually take it to a trailor where I'm sure they'll laugh me out of existence.
This year, though, Think Geek outdid themselves introducing the latest video game oddity from Japan, Super Pii Pii Brothers for the Nintendo Wii. You see, in this game... well let's just let the YouTube do the talking:
Yes, this just might be the most awesome game of all time, besides Superman 64 of course. But unless Think Geek gets into video game programing it will never be. Oh, the sadness of it all.
Labels: nintendo, think geek