Two Girls, One Cup, Zero Class

Now, I should warn you before you go click on that link and then ultimately follow it through to the video, that to only do so if you are one hell of a sick bastard.
Luckily, I read a description first, and was able to avoid the life scaring event that would occur if I had watched this piece of crap*.
In a nut shell, the video includes two girls kissing, defecating in a cup, drinking out of that cup, and then kissing again.
Now, despite the fact that this is obviously the worse thing to hit the web since goatse, or David Hyde Pierce, it's not so much the content of the video I'm overly consered with. I suppose anyone who gets turned on by poo needs to get their jollies somehow. No, it's the fact that it made it to number 64 on the Google Hot Trends list. How many damn people out there are into feces?
Can the internet users possibly paint themselves to be any more horrible? This and MySpace man. Proof that the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
[Larry has rented Balki a tuxedo]
Balki Bartokomous: Yours?
Larry Appleton: Yes.
Balki Bartokomous: Yours... looks... just like mine.
Larry Appleton: Yes.
Balki Bartokomous: But if we dress alike, how will people tell us apart?
Larry Appleton: Dental records.
-Perfect Strangers
Labels: david hyde pierce, feces, goatse, google, myspace, perfect starngers