
What's the duck like?

English news website The People has posted some bad jokes. But the kind of bad where you moan at them, then secretly tell them to other people later. Here are a couple of my favorites:

MAN to Waitress: "What's the duck like?" Waitress to Man: "Like chicken, but it swims, sir."

DID you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper? He sold his soul to Santa.

WINDOW blinds are a great invention - without them it would be curtains for all of us.

DID you hear about the two silkworms who had a race? Ended up as a tie.

HOW do you get five donkeys in an ambulance? Two in the back, two in the front and one on the top going Hee-haw, Hee-haw, Hee-Haw.

TWO dogs are walking down the street. First dog: "What's your name?" Second dog: "BMW." First dog: "That's a funny name." Second dog: "I know - I used to be Rover."

I WAS at a cash point the other day and an old lady asked me to help her check her balance. I didn't want to, but she insisted. So I pushed her and she fell over.

"GRANDPA, can you make a noise like a frog?" "I don't think so, lad. Why?" "Cos dad says we'll get £10,000 when you croak."

And one that only about two people in the world will get:
WHAT is the first sign of madness? Suggs coming up your drive.

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