Dr. Pepper
What kind of medical degree do you suppose Dr. Pepper has?
Labels: dr. pepper, soda
This Wii-k in Review
Hello hello.
I usually have no excuse for not updating this site, but this week I do. My escuse is just one word:
Yes, I've been playing with my Wii all week (keep your dirty thoughts/jokes to yourself, you sick bastards) and enjoying every minute of it.
However it appears some people are not. Here's one idiot that swings a little (and by a little, I mean way too much) too hard with the wiimote:
The end of the video says that the Wii is too weak, although despite hitting the wall at 100 mph, you can see the Wiimote still functions fine.
Sadly enough, the same can be said about this poor sap, who chucked his Wiimote right through his TV:

If anyone would like to share some Miis or something, email me with your Wii console number and I'll add you to my list.

I usually have no excuse for not updating this site, but this week I do. My escuse is just one word:
Yes, I've been playing with my Wii all week (keep your dirty thoughts/jokes to yourself, you sick bastards) and enjoying every minute of it.
However it appears some people are not. Here's one idiot that swings a little (and by a little, I mean way too much) too hard with the wiimote:
The end of the video says that the Wii is too weak, although despite hitting the wall at 100 mph, you can see the Wiimote still functions fine.
Sadly enough, the same can be said about this poor sap, who chucked his Wiimote right through his TV:

If anyone would like to share some Miis or something, email me with your Wii console number and I'll add you to my list.

Labels: nintendo, tv, video games, wii
Money making money
It's been widely reported that it now costs 1.4 cents to make a penny. In other words, the US treasury is actually spending more to make money, than the money they're making is worth. Luckily cheesegod.com is here with a solution:

Ads on money! Why not?
Next time you spend a dollar, why not be told you could be "saving dollars" on your car insurance at Geico?
How about a coupon on that dollar that tells you that, "if you spend this dollar at blockbuster video, you'll get 10% off your rental price."
Or how about a simple statement that their are many fine items I could use this dollar for on the dollar menu at Wendy's?
It's obvious, the dollar is a symbol of America, and just about the only inch of this nation not already completely plastered with ads. It's time to have a currency that really represents America.

Ads on money! Why not?
Next time you spend a dollar, why not be told you could be "saving dollars" on your car insurance at Geico?
How about a coupon on that dollar that tells you that, "if you spend this dollar at blockbuster video, you'll get 10% off your rental price."
Or how about a simple statement that their are many fine items I could use this dollar for on the dollar menu at Wendy's?
It's obvious, the dollar is a symbol of America, and just about the only inch of this nation not already completely plastered with ads. It's time to have a currency that really represents America.

Labels: blockbuster video, disney, geico, lincoln, mcdonalds, money
The Google
FOX News Delivers What's Important

Instead Fox pulled out all the stops and was able to report on the most important news of the day. They ignored the candidates, the issues, the war, and all those other boring things and brought us "Ways to tell if Your Husband Is Gay."
Some say Fox only reports things that favors the political right. While knowing how to find out if your husband is gay certainly could be useful to the wives of some republican congressman, I argue that Fox just reports news for those with extremely low IQs.
By the way, I did not tune in for the report, as if I did somehow had a husband I pretty sure it's mean we were both gay.

Labels: fox, gay, news, seinfeld