Video: Last of the Pepsi Holiday Spice

Of the all discountinued colas out there Pepsi Holiday Spice is one of the most sought after, only behind Mountain Dew Live Wire. Twelve packs of the soda easily sell on eBay for upwards of $8.00, people cry about drinking their last can on Flikr, and a website devoted to hard to find soda charges over the top prices for it's stash.
So when I heard that a local foodmart was selling a 2 liter of the soda for just $2.25, I grabbed my CVS camera and headed for the town of Hicksville, NY.
Check out the video! Click here. Windows Media Format.
By the way, the quality of this video is not exactly high def, if you catch my drift. Besides being recorded with a CVS brand disposable camera the microphone kept making a clunking noise. But what do you want, it's free video, right?