Pizza Bagels
"When pizza's on a bagel, you can eat pizza anytime."
What is that suppose to mean? Does this commercial jingle imply that it's okay to eat an unhealthy food for breakfast simply because it's on a bagel?
I suppose so, after all it wouldn't be appropriate to eat a huge glob of butter, but for some reason when it's contained inside a bagel it's suddenly acceptable. It would also be unusual to eat a ton of sugar and marshmallows for breakfast, but you put them in a bowl of cereal, suddenly it's a-ok.
Do you know that Reece's has a cereal now? There's also a smores cereal. You gotta be kidding me. Bill Cosby once joked that he fed his kids chocolate cake for breakfast because it seemed like a good breakfast food. I don't think he was wrong.
Pizza bagels, pfft. I'm sticking with my 2,000,000 calorie Burger King omelet sandwich.
What is that suppose to mean? Does this commercial jingle imply that it's okay to eat an unhealthy food for breakfast simply because it's on a bagel?
I suppose so, after all it wouldn't be appropriate to eat a huge glob of butter, but for some reason when it's contained inside a bagel it's suddenly acceptable. It would also be unusual to eat a ton of sugar and marshmallows for breakfast, but you put them in a bowl of cereal, suddenly it's a-ok.
Do you know that Reece's has a cereal now? There's also a smores cereal. You gotta be kidding me. Bill Cosby once joked that he fed his kids chocolate cake for breakfast because it seemed like a good breakfast food. I don't think he was wrong.
Pizza bagels, pfft. I'm sticking with my 2,000,000 calorie Burger King omelet sandwich.